
How to Know Thyself — Beyond Space & Time

Healing the Past & Learning From the Future

In the last post, I talked about the influence Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) has in our world.

Oftentimes, that influence is coming in via non-physical exchanges of energy and information. In other words, it is not emanating from the same space-time frame of reference — the"place" where we believe we exist.

By developing greater awareness of the non-locality our own consciousness, we can begin to better understand what we are dealing with when it comes to NHI. What they can do becomes less mystical, less bewildering. By knowing ourselves better, we can develop greater levels of discernment.

Likewise, with the healing journey, we are often working with present problems that are connected to information and experiences from other times and other places. And yes, that may even mean events from other lifetimes on other planets. But whether it's something that happened in our past, when we were 5 years old — or when we were 369 years old on another planet, the underlying principle is the same: you are one awareness emanating through one soul that exists outside of this space and time.

Because of all of this and more, I tend to look at all healing work through this lens of wholeness and integration. The more we can open ourselves up to allow our own spiritual energy to flow through us, for our own soul to express itself, the better we feel and the healthier our bodies are. That's the inside stuff. On the outside, our relationships improve and we are better able to see and take advantage of the innumerable opportunities and synchronicities that already surround us.

So it can be very beneficial to recognize that your "whole" consciousness exists outside of & beyond this space-time moment. To put that another way, while you are embodied there, where you are currently sitting, standing, or lying down — your consciousness is not bound to this place and this time. One of the names for this phenomenon is called non-locality.

In the video, I offer a simple, light-hearted practice that can not only help you to begin to experience the non-local nature of your own consciousness, but also help on a very practical level by shifting your energy, heal old wounds, and even provide answers about which way to go in life when you are feeling confused or stuck.

Know Thyself - Beyond Space & Time

Talking with your past and future selves.

  1. Set aside a small block of time when you will not be interrupted. Yeah, this means turning off and setting aside devices too.

  2. Get grounded and quiet. Set aside any concerns you have in the moment. Jot them down on a notepad if it helps. Consciously and intentionally set them aside.

  3. Problem — clarify in your mind and heart the nature of a problem you are currently working on. Could be that you are feeling confused or unclear about something. Or maybe you are aware of a specific event or experience from your past that has had undesired ripple effects reaching into your present situation.

  4. Talk with your Future Self: imagine your ideal future self, 5 or 10 years out maybe, maybe more maybe less. Visualize and imagine your future self, however that shows up for you. Say hello. Be open to what your future self does or says. When you feel ready - ask future You a question about your current difficulty. Ask for direction. Ask for information. Be quiet, still, listen / feel into any response that occurs. If “nothing happens”, that’s OK too. Say Thank You. And bring yourself back to center, in the present moment.

  5. If you feel called to proceed - do a similar thing with a specific time in your past. Only in this case, you might want to send past You a message or just loving, accepting energy. Whatever you feel was needed or missing at that time in your life. Again - be very open to whatever occurs in the moment, then say Thank you before saying goodbye.

I discuss in the video some of the other considerations, along with how and why this can be a beneficial exercise. Even if you don’t “believe” you can talk to yourself across time, consider giving it a try. Take notes along the way. You might be surprised at what can happen.

If you try this and are up for sharing with others what you experienced, drop a comment in this post. Let us know how it went and what you learned!