The presence and influence of non-human intelligence (NHI) in our world is obvious yet obscured. It's everywhere, yet scoffed at.
We humans like to tell ourselves this story, that we won evolution, that we are the apex predator, yay! That ***all*** of the problems we see happening in our human world are the result of our own inherent flaws and weaknesses. It's all on us and us alone — from war to "climate change" to AI and everything else. We did it. Because we are somehow so very smart and yet so ignorant and “bad” all at the same time.
How much active ignoring, literal ignorance, must we collectively embrace in order to maintain such a view?
In this video, I begin to share bits and pieces of information, just a few small examples, of how NHI comes into our world and the sometimes surprising influence it can have.
A few take-aways:
There are no clear lines separating religious or spiritual NHI from alien / abductee / experiencer NHI
NHI has been part of the human story from the beginning
It would seem that some NHI is outright anti-human, some is neutral, and others are helpful and beneficial
Given all of the above, there is a greater need than ever before for us to continuously be developing our ability to discern truth from deception, human from non-human, and that which is empowering and life-oriented vs the other way around.
What happens to your understanding of the world you live in when you begin to factor these things in?
Other forms of intelligence to be considered:
The many and varied beings encountered by those who work with Ayahuasca or DMT
Beings encountered in dreams — what kinds of experiences have you had?
Plant and animal consciousness - please don’t tell your cat I am writing about NHI
Dolphins and whales — did you know our government has secret programs that harness dolphins for their innate abilities?
Do we even know how smart some of sea “ceatures” are? — Octopuses may be so terrifyingly smart because they share humans' genes for intelligence -
Did you know just how smart crows are? Check this out:
For Those On A Healing Journey
For anyone on a healing journey, it can be so helpful to learn to trust your own inner guidance and sense of things. So much trauma and abuse in this world attacks our ability to trust ourselves, which can easily lead us towards embracing agendas and information that may not be in our best interests.
What can make this so difficult is two-fold:
Many of us have been deceived and abused by very human forces in our lives.
We can and do find solace, healing, and information coming in from truly higher realms.
So for anyone seeking truth and healing, the task of discernment becomes a truly important journey all on its own. I simply encourage you to find trusted partners for this journey. Find community if you can, and / or individuals you can work with in open, honest, and transparent ways.
For me personally, it has been important to find others who can listen without feeling the need to frame my experiences in ways that fit their mental or spiritual models.
Other Resources:
Earlier video in this series: Aliens, Disclosure, and Lions and Tigers and Bears
Exoconscious Community — check out all that is happening in the Exoconscious Community by visiting the Exoconscious Humans substack:
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